Jigsaw Puzzles:
Pokemon 20th - Mythicals and Mega Evolutions
3 cool jigsaw puzzles to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the Pokemon series.

Jigsaw Puzzles:
Super Mario Bros. 3 World Maps
Jigsaw puzzles for the Super Mario Bros. 3 world maps.

Jigsaw Puzzle:
Bring on the Super Ability!
A jigsaw puzzle using the official artwork for Kirby's Super Abilities from Kirby's Return to Dreamland.

Fill in the Blanks:
The Legend of Zelda Intro Story
A word substituting game for The Legend of Zelda's intro.

Majora's Mask: Keaton Quiz
A trivia game using the questions from the Keaton's Quiz in The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask.

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