Donkey Kong Country Cheat Codes
Like in its' SNES sequels, there are several cheat codes for the game Donkey Kong Country. For the first one, press Down, Y, Down, Down, Y when Cranky Kong is playing his victrola in the opening sequence. This will transport you to a chamber where there is every kind of animal statue, so you can practice all the animal buddy mini-games.
The secret room accessed by the first cheat.
The other three all require you to go to the file selection screen and press A on the Erase File button. Press B, A, R, R, A, L or BARRAL to start with 50 lives when you select your file. Pressing B, A, Down, B, Up, Down, Down, and Y or BAD BUDDY allows the second player to tag themeselves in whenever they want in 2-player mode. The final cheat, my personal favorite, requires you to press Down, A, R, B, Y, Down, A, and Y or DARBY DAY. You can then cycle through all of the games music by pressing select (I use this to unlimitedly listen to Fear Factory). Hope you enjoy using these codes! If I missed one, please tell me in the comments.
The Author

I'm the guy who programmed this whole website from scratch and I'm responsible for most of the content you see here (including these cool author profiles!). I've been a huge fan of Nintendo since I picked up my first NES controller when I was 3. When I'm not writing articles or filming a new video, I enjoy playing and composing music, reading, math, art, and computer programming.