Why I Like Animal Crossing: New Leaf
By Chloe
Animal Crossing: New Leaf for the Nintendo 3DS is a very fun game. I think it's fun because it is like a game of life. You start out living in a tent, until you can afford to buy a house, but you're in no rush. You can take your time, and don't have to buy a house until you're ready. You can also decorate your tent or house with unique items you can purchase in one of the two shops.

My favorite thing about Animal Crossing: New Leaf is that you get to be the mayor. As mayor you can build new bridges and benches, and can make your town more beautiful. You can also visit a tropical island where the previous mayor, Tortimer, has gone to retire. While on the island, you can play fun games like hide and seek, memory, and bug catching. This is why I enjoy playing Animal Crossing: New Leaf for the 3DS.