Eight Melodies (Earthbound Beginnings/Mother) Cover
I'm proud to present my cover of Earthbound Beginnings/Mother 1's eight melodies performed on acoustic guitar and piano! I've wanted to do this one for a while, and I think it turned out really well. The bass line and strings are both adapted from the credits remix, and I think they give the song a nice classical feel. If you stick around once the main cover is done you'll be rewarded with my short metal cover of the Mt. Itoi theme!
The Author

I'm the guy who programmed this whole website from scratch and I'm responsible for most of the content you see here (including these cool author profiles!). I've been a huge fan of Nintendo since I picked up my first NES controller when I was 3. When I'm not writing articles or filming a new video, I enjoy playing and composing music, reading, math, art, and computer programming.